let us not love with words or tongue but actions and truth.
#파이썬 #머신러닝 #Python #REUTERS #이영섭교수님 #EM알고리즘 #기계학습 #pca #random graph #plt.scatter #perplexity #dp-100 #변수중요도 #사후검정 #imbalanced #GridSearchCV #jaccard similarity #LDA #산점도 #SIFT #K-means #목적함수 #MST #decision tree #for문 #Azure #규제 #시험 #자격증 #Surf #Lift #Bert #cnn #latency: pairing #exactly-once #at-least-once #at-most-once #Remaining length #feed forward algorithm #Euler’s FORMULA #Mel-filterbank & Log #Discrete Cosine Transform(DCT) #MFCC feature 추출 #byte-pair encoding #Short-time Fourier transform #Cepstral analysis #Wideband Spectrogram #Narrow-Band Spectrogram #Librispeech #음성인식 특징 #average linkage #complete linkage #single linkage #KL다이버전스 #단조성조건 #낱낱탐색알고리즘 #한정 분기 알고리즘 #시뮬레이티드 어닐링 #오분류율 #impurity #불순도 #Damerau-Levenshetein #Policy update smoothing #Delayed policy update #Clipped double Q learning #Linear Discriminant Analysis #Fisher의 선형 분별 #Ranking Function #TkQ #Top-k kNN Query #BkQ #BRQ #IF-R* #R*-IF #soft replacement #Trusted Region Policy Optimization #Proximal Policy Optimization #Twin Delayed DDPG #Soft Actor-Critic #A2C #Actor-Critic Method #policy gradient with baseline #reward-to-go #value network #replay buffer #epsilon greedy #Ergodic #히든마코프모델 #마코프모델 #HMM의 복잡도 #Viterbi 알고리즘 #splint list #split point #vincinity circle #SFT #TPL algorithm #커널맵핑 #커널함수 #비선형 SVM #선형 SVM #KM method #IER #Incremental Euclidean Restrictions #Incremental Network Expansion #soft margin #hard margin #KKT조건 #Plane Sweep #R-tree based Join #M-tree #object-pivot constraint #range-pivot constraint #pivot-pivot constraint #파젠 window #파젠 창 #Minmaxdist #Mindist #Best First #NN Full-Blown Algorithm #Close Pair Query #R-tree #Hilbert R-tree #R*-tree #maxinf #area() #Touch() #Cross() #Export() #large discount factor #Q function #Q table #fully observable #dynamic envnrionment #static environment #z-ordering tree #패턴모드 #포켓알고리즘 #importance sampling ratio #Weighted importance sampling #Ordinary importance sampling #Control Task #Prediction Task #MC methods #Hilbert #Z-order #The Linear Quandtree #maximum likelyhood #최대우도 추정방법 #Space-Driven Structure #The grid file #fixed grid #windown query #overflow 발생 시 처리 방법 #분별함수 특이상황 #최소 거리 분류기 #기각 처리 #Envelop함수 #SpatialReference() #Bellman Optimality Equation #우도계산 #Bayesian 결정이론 #new_step_api #Frozen Lake #cmap #non-negative #monotone #submodular #Urn experiment #ICM algorithm #Information diffusion #information cascades #herding behavior #community evolution #community evaluation #gamma-dense 그래프 #Group Properties #Modularity Maximization #k-connected graphs #edge betweenness #PTZ카메라 #FaceVACS #Morphable Model #multihead attention #GOOGLE TRANSFORMER #Group-Based Community Detection #min-cut #spectral clustering #EOH #edge orientation histogram #viola-jones face detection #sequential labeling #Clique Percolation Method #k-shell #k-core #k-plex #k-club #k-clan #k-clique #BRISK #GLOH #partitional algorithms #wvRN #separateness #silhouette index #keypoints #integral image #vertex copying model #Configuration Model #Preferential Attachment model #small-world network #regular lattice #power-law distribution #phase transition #empth graph #null graph #adjacency matrix #wordpiece #형태소 의존규칙 #어절의존규칙 #shannon visualization method #backoff smoothing #interpolation smoothing #laplace smoothing #markov assumption #features and augmented grammar #Generalized LR parser #Tomita's parser #dynamic programming parsing #syntactic parser #ISAM #TRIE트라이 #조합형 표준 #완성형 표준 #Tabular Parsing #지배성분 후위의 원칙 #지배성분유일의원칙 #투영의 원칙 #head-words #keypoint detection #Harris corner detector #flow value #planar graph #Steiner tree #Hamiltonian cycle #Eulerian tour #n-hop neighborhood #ellipse detection #gradient magnitude #Viterbi #connected component analysis #reciprocity #transitivity #local clustering coefficient #clustering coefficient #closeness centrality #betweenness centrality #sequence labeling #part of speech #centrality #Eigenvector centrality #image smoothing #intensity gradient #edge strength #bipartite graph #Dijkstra's Algorithm #dmml.asu.edu/smm #social media data #FRR #파워스펙트럼 #머신러닝2 #배치모드 #ER Model #적층오토인코더 #확률오토인코더 #유사뉴턴 #켤레그레디언트 #정칙화 #가중치감쇠 #배치정규화 #Pytorch로 배우는 딥러닝 #xavier 초기화 #he 초기화 #네스테로프 모멘텀 #NSP #BPE #잠재의미분석 #로그우도함수 #multi-class 분류 #머신러닝 이론정리 #크로스엔트로피 목적함수 #binary classification 목적함수 #label추가 #iterrows() #back-propagation #그래프여러개그리기 #subplot(행열순서) #산점도 색깔 #노매드랜드ost #TD3 #101마리강아지 #남작부인 #liberty백화점 #init_points #paramter 최적화 #feature 최적화 #Data Augmentation #결정경계 #커널트릭 #출력층 #입력층 #n_components #n_iter #tabularpredictor #get_model_best #fit_summary #confusion_matrix #autogluon #Nomadland #파이썬3.6 #unable to execute gcc #pep518에러 #gcc설치 #autogluon설치 #오일석 #선형보간법 #interpolate() #임의추출 #random.normal #random.choice #roc커브 #get_dummies #to_categorical #한국어임베딩 #노매드랜드 #점색깔 #plot.step #roc-auc #isolation forest #hyper parameter 튜닝 #one-class svm #각도조정 #3d그래프 #axes 3d #scoring #bestparameter #mind scape #azure 자격증 #dp-100 자격증 #azure시험 #막대그래프 순서변경 #비중그래프 #bar그래프 #컬럼명을 값으로 #set_index #proc transpose #컬럼생성 #파생변수생성 #reschedule #시험날짜변경 #프로모션코드입력 #dp100 #certi #datascientist #happend #collecting dust #편지 영어로 #감사표현 영어로 #Jexi #to_datetime #시간편차구하기 #rsub #시간데이터 #날짜 데이터 #dt.date #dt.time #Kkma #misbehaviour #Don't be so blind #I didn't mean to pry #put up with #It's your call #forward stepwise #backward stepwise #variable importance #feature importance #permutation importance #모델설명력 #Dummy Classfier #Lasso Regression #GradientBoosting #그리드서치 #피셔의정확성검정 #fisher's exact #class action #levy on #I work for KGB baby #MH U검정 #Mann-Whitney #의사결정나무 그래프 #before we go #over sampling #비대칭 데이터 #Cosine Similarity #hierarchical clustering #cross validation #distance() #Regent's Park #dendrogram #DDPG #random sampling #수업정리 #RandomForest #은닉층 #복원추출 #similarity #attention is all you need #forward algorithm #hidden markov model #하이젝시 #HeatMap #Minimum Spanning Tree #bit depth #Subscriber #TODAY() #유전 알고리즘 #Levenshtein #wordcloud #Multi-armed bandit #pivot_table #applymap #SAA #LSTM #Dropout #astype #Ine #importance sampling #ppo #conjugate gradient #셀프/리스 #batch normalization #워드클라우드 #TRPO #value function #bellman equation #SGD #주먹왕랄프2 #adjacency list #on-policy #off-policy #policy gradient #A3C #buffer() #서정현 #Dueling DQN #Double DQN #활성화함수 #for loop #Maximum A Posteriori #RMSProp #adagrad #confusion matrix #오토인코더 #applymap() #Back propagation #상태전이 #one_hot #one-hot encoding #apply() #랜덤포레스트 #Perceptron #Broker #edge detection #퓨리에 변환 #activation function #labelencoder #maudie #Softmax #가중치 초기화 #Thompson sampling #rnn #bayesian optimization #Priority Queue #임베딩 #미스슬로운 #Greedy Algorithm #파생변수 #Z-value #gaussian mixture model #reshape #이기창 #subplot #TSNE #Face Recognition #chicken out #xgboost #matplotlib #분산분석 #차원축소 #Brexit #network flow #Accuracy #셀프리스 #타이사 파미가 #Pandas #재현율 #RGBK #Hough Transform #교차검증 #map() #elif #크루엘라 #snr #n-gram #히트맵 #graphviz #principal component analysis #컬럼명 변경 #ceil #RANSAC #막대그래프 #cfg #텍스트마이닝 #Face Detection #MAB #regime #CRF #entity #minimalist #라쏘 #Pry #피벗테이블 #Octave #apply #chain rule #km #정확도 #Fern #publisher #mlp #제시카 차스테인 #Som #Monte Carlo #length() #정밀도 #isempty #크리스 에반스 #Sae #dae #패턴인식 #공분산 #사전확률 #사후확률 #HOG #Precision #chi-square test #카이제곱검정 #T-test #T검정 #GMM #Support Vector Machine #env #Purity #HSI #dense #자연어처리 #자연언어처리 #scatter #attribute #HMM #Depth #svm #ANOVA #MM #in the mood for love #GPT #DQN #brute Force #Baseline #Dynamic Programming #조합 #엠마스톤 #COLUMNS #remastering #대치 #네트워크분석 #부스팅 #모디 #QoS #IF문 #angle #엔트로피 #BFS #뤽베송 #interpolation #Topic #Melt #pagerank #공백제거 #PCFG #Latch #Optimizer #Hash Join #reward #cohesiveness #replace #CPM #SAC #Rename #앙상블 #aam #asm #datetime #양조위 #기출문제 #변수 #POS #화양연화 #왕가위 #CLS #SF #timestamp #KNN #장점 #덤프 #최적화 #Margin #Zigbee #안나 #스릴러 #내사랑 #라이언레이놀즈 #커널 #예약 #비교 #장만옥 #영화 #소울 #combination #lower #dfs #recall #LSA #floor #LBP #Lasso #Log #BLUETOOTH #text #attention #CCA #balance #Retain #Transition #status #UPPER #katz #voting #Degree #Counter #Stack #daisy #Ridge #map #action #Round #State #label #soul #Operation #Adam #Dog #Strip